Clockwise and counterclockwise hysteresis characterize state changes in the same aquatic ecosystem
Amanda C. Northrop, Vanessa Avalone, Aaron M. Ellison, Bryan A. Ballif, Nicholas J. Gotelli
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The mitochondrial phosphate carrier TbMCP11 is essential for mitochondrial function in the procyclic form of Trypanosoma brucei
Fei Gao, Frank Voncken, and Claudia Colasante
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The role of oxygen depletion and subsequent radioprotective effects during irradiation of mosquito pupae in water
Hanano Yamada, Hamidou Maiga, Nanwintoum Severin Bimbile-Somda, Danilo O. Carvalho, Wadaka Mamai, Carina Kraupa, Andrew G. Parker, Aiman Abrahim, Georg Weltin, Thomas Wallner, Marc F. Schetelig, Carlos Caceres & Jeremy Bouyer
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Intermittent Hypoxia Prevents Myocardial Mitochondrial Ca2+ Overload and Cell Death during Ischemia/Reperfusion: The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species
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Comparison of hypoxic effects induced by chemical and physical hypoxia on cardiomyocytes
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Fast Photomineralization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Acid Mine Drainage Impacted Waters
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Activation of NQO-1 mediates the augmented contractions of isolated arteries due to biased activity of soluble guanylyl cyclase in their smooth muscle
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Intermittent hypoxia-generated ROS contributes to intracellular zinc regulation that limits ischemia/reperfusion injury in adult rat cardiomyocyte
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Intermittent Hypoxia Inhibits Na+-H+ Exchange-Mediated Acid Extrusion Via Intracellular Na+ Accumulation in Cardiomyocytes
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Enhanced oxygen delivery to a multiphase continuous bioreactor
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Kinetics and mechanism of ultrasonic activation of persulfate: an in situ EPR spin trapping study
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Differential dissolution and toxicity of surface functionalized silver nanoparticles in small-scale microcosms: impacts of community complexity
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Lifetime-weighted photoacoustic imaging
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Interaction of singlet oxygen with bovine serum albumin and the role of the protein nano-compartmentalization
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Single-Wavelength Blood Oxygen Saturation Sensing With Combined Optical Absorption and Scattering
Fei Gao, Qiwen Peng, Xiaohua Feng, Bo Gao, Yuanjin Zheng
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Root oxygen loss from Raphia taedigera palms mediates greenhouse gas emissions in lowland neotropical peatlands
Jorge Hoyos-Santillan, Jim Craigon, Barry H. Lomax, Omar R. Lopez, Benjamin L. Turner, Sofie Sjögersten
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