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This is a limited time offer which is due to expire on March 31, 2000. This offer applies to educational institutes and universities on first time purchases only and applies only to the most expensive item on an individual purchase order in single quantity. If the most expensive item is being ordered in multiple quantity then the 10% discount will apply only to the first item of the multiple quantity.

This offer applies only to online items found in the site. This special discount does not apply to items which are not in the online catalog. This offer can be combined with the free shipping offer.

Important Note: This offer is subject to cancellation, or the terms and conditions of this offer are subject to change at any time without any prior notice be it on this web site, by email, or by printed letter or any other method. Orders logged by when this offer is in effect will be honored at the conditions above even if these terms and conditions change prior to shipment of order.

Operated by Lazar Research Laboratories, Inc.

Specifications and prices subject to change without notice.

Copyright 2000 Lazar Research Laboratories, Inc.