Why buy an expensive oxygen meter when you can buy an oxygen probe
which works with any standard pH meter, chart recorder, or PC?
Consider these unique features:
- Plugs directly into any pH meter-reads out directly in ppm or %O2
- 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of a complete oxygen meter
- Useful in all lab applications including BOD measurements
- Fully portable for oxygen measurements in the field
- Micro O2 electrode available for measurements down to 20 microliters
- Fast response time- less than 12 seconds
- More accurate and less tedious than Winkler method
Cat. No.: DO-166-4L |
Unit Price: SALE! $435.00 (Regular price - $500.00) |
Dissolved Oxygen Range: 0 to 20 ppm |
Dissolved Oxygen Resolution: 0.05 ppm |
Temperature Range: 0 to 50 oC |
Sample Size: 2 ml |
Accuracy: +/- 0.2 ppm at calibration temperature |
Response Time: : Response time at 25 C is 12 seconds for 90% of
Connector:Available BNC, U.S. standard, Radiometer, and other common
connectors (please
specify when ordering).
Power: 9 volt disposable battery or 110/220 AC.
Dimensions: 16 mm dia x 75 mm length
Description: This dissolved oxygen probe comes complete with its own
preamplifier circuit so that it can be used directly with most pH/millivolt
meters, strip chart recorders, and a PC which has an A/D converter. The
standard probe comes with a 4 ft. cable (1.2 meter) and can be used for both
field and lab work.
- USE WITH ANY pH METER. Probe can be plugged directly into any
standard pH meter for dissolved oxygen measurements.
- USE WITH PC COMPUTER. Use with Lazar low cost datalogger for monitoring
and recording with your PC.
- COVERS FULL DO RANGE. Electrode can measure dissolved oxygen from 0
to 20 ppm or 0 to 150% saturation.
- ELIMINATES WINKLER METHOD. Probe measures dissolved oxygen directly
without involved wet chemistry of titrations needed with the Winkler
- BOD MEASUREMENTS. BOD probe fits directly into BOD bottle for 5 day
or continuous BOD measurements.
- PORTABLE. On-the-spot field measurements of dissolved oxygen can be
made without a trip back to the laboratory.
- RAPID RESPONSE. Typical response time at room temperature is 12
Applications:Applications include measurements in potable water and
wastewater, environmental analysis of lakes, streams, and rivers, and BOD